• 设备能力




    齿圈采用 45 号优质碳素结构钢,经整体锻压,扩孔辗压成形(此产品可靠性比焊接件要好),经井式电炉正火调质处理,高速精密滚齿机加工、气动工装夹具组成特大、大、中、小四条生产流水线、齿面硬化采用大功率高频及超音频感应加热淬火,经万能工具显微镜,齿轮齿形检查仪等先进仪器的检测,齿圈机械性能优良可靠。
     大型锻压、扩孔设备可锻造大型齿圈毛坯达φ 800 mm,欢迎各主机厂与客户来图或来样加工外圆φ 250 —φ 800mm 各种起动齿圈。

     The Manufacturing Department is divided into several workshops, which are respectively responsible for semi-finished products forging, flywheel forging, thermal treatment of the ring gear machine and assembly. There are 215 types of manufacturing equipment, of which 133 are metal cutting tool ,18 forging equipment, 12 hoisting equipment and 12 thermal equipment.
     Our ring gears are produced with the use of No.45 quality carbon steel and with the technology of reaming roller forging, integral shaping and high frequency-quenching. All the products have undergone performance test with the sophisticated testing equipment. We have large forging and reaming equipment to produce ring gears of all kind. Customers' design and materials for gear processing are always welcome.

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